RK Transport Security, is a leading security company that has been providing high security solutions for the trucking, supply chain, portable storage and retail sectors. The RK security line of high security trailer and container locks. Security within the transportation and shipping industry has evolved substantially in recent years due to the increased risks in theft.
The Review focuses on the future threat environment, new technological advancements and the implications of these changes on transport security.
Transport Security, is a leading cargo security company that has been providing high security solutions for the trucking, supply chain, portable storage and retail sectors. The RK security line of high security trailer and container locks, truck locks, C-TPAT security seals, and covert GPS tracking technologies set the standard for the industry.
Recent terrorist attacks have shown the capability of a small number of individuals to kill and cause large-scale destruction. These attacks have had a common denominator: transport systems have been used either as a means or as a target.